Thursday, September 17, 2009

You Can Still Watch the Girl Throwing Ball Back Here and Other Thoughts on How Companies Handle Copyright

The daughter who threw the ball back at the Phillies game quickly became an internet sensation with viral power until the MLB pulled the video from YouTube. Apparently they don't want to play ball and share the rights to their content, but I found a clip that still works and you can see the video below (at least at the time of this writing).

As an aside, I don't think it should go unnoticed that Fox News got in contact with this family via Facebook. It's an interesting time for journalism and media.

Disney is taking a completely different stand on user generated content. When a group of flamboyantly gay guys went to Fire Island and remade Miley Cyrus' Party in the USA" Disney employees not only embraced, but also encouraged the viral nature of the remake by emailing the video to each other. Rich Ross, the president of Disney Channels Worldwide even took the time to call up Mr. Fudge (the video maker) and tell him he liked the video. So what does this reaction vs the MLB reaction mean for branding, copyright, and the nature of the internet? My opinion is right out of Lessig.

Miley Cyrus - "Party in the USA" Fire Island Ramake

Music Recommendation: The astonishing, beautiful Catherine Feeny

Catherine Feeny - "Mr. Blue"


Lauren Proctor said...

Seth Godin Blog about brand conversations: