Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Readings: Intelligent Apps, Quicksand, and Hotel Bathrooms

I've never been sure whether it was a good thing or not, but I've always read voraciously in some sort of fleeting effort to pack my mind with as much wonder and knowledge as possible.  As far back as I can remember it's been like some sort or race against the clock, and I want to maximize every moment.  

Until the internet came around reading was a mostly solitary activity, but the rise of link sharing has left me yearning to share a piece of nearly everything I find fascinating or well written.  And so in an effort to share (and actually blog more), I've decided to start a reading series.  

These posts will include the highlights, the life changers, and the reads that have meant the most to me as of late.  So welcome to the reading series and I hope you enjoy.



The image above is a picture of Bethlehem. I found it looking for a display ad and had to find a place to share it.

A Bird App That Adapts on the Fly This app integrates live information feeds so birdwatchers know what they're likely to see in their area at any given time.  These are the kinds of apps we will come to expect in the future, and the people who figure out how to retrieve influxes of data intelligently will win.

The Rise and Fall of Quicksand I thoroughly enjoyed this read on culture and quicksand and then (admittedly) watched the finale of True Blood.  When one of the characters was getting buried in cement I couldn't help but wonder, "Is this the quicksand of the industrialized world?"

Hotel Boss Taps China's Luxury Market A good read for anyone interested in the China luxury market, but what stuck with me most was the part where The Regent claims that their guests spend a majority of their time in the hotel room's bathroom.


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