Monday, December 15, 2008

The Writerly Update

Friends, family, and anyone else,

I have officially completed my first semester in NYU's Master's program. Give it another year and a half and I'll probably be diving into either the real world and/or my Phd. I have more of an update and plenty more blogging on the agenda for the next coupld weeks, but in the meantime here is a collection of some of my more recent HX articles.

I hope you're all enjoying the holiday rush,


Restaurant Review - The Williamsburgh Cafe

An Advertorial

A Few Album Reviews


In the meantime, enjoy the gritty, totally sexy nature of The Kills. Tracks like "Last Day of Magic" and U.R.A. Fever" have become well played gems I will always associate with my first few months spent in New York.

The Kills - "Last Day of Magic"
(I'd like to think that this song was inspired by my Little Tornado nickname. Alas, I don't believe The Kills know me...yet.)

The Kills - "U.R.A. Fever"